Happy Birthday to me (!) … the 4-week/9-day push ends well!

I didn’t quite make my original 4-week goal, but I got so close! I did drop a little weight overnight so I can happily report that I am the lightest I have been for 20 years! And I did make it into a dress that was too small for me 4 weeks ago… and even my Mum commented that my legs looked slim!

Here we are out for a very lovely lunch today!




I loved lunch! It was delicious and very special! I couldn’t manage all of my dessert, though (poor attempt!) but it definitely didn’t stop my enjoyment of the whole day

I’ll be taking a diet break for a few days, and I expect to increase a little weight over the coming days, but I am not going totally wild! I am planning to be back at the same weight in one week’s time, all being well.

New goals need to be set when I’m back. I’ll think about what I want to achieve in the next few weeks. That will take us to the middle of June and one whole year since I started this healthy mission. One year! I can’t believe it’s been such a long time, it has flown!

Thanks for sharing my journey with me… I wish you a wonderful day, evening or morning… wherever you are!

4 thoughts on “Happy Birthday to me (!) … the 4-week/9-day push ends well!

  1. At awful risk of sounding patronising (?!?) I’m so very proud of you! Setting a goal is easy; most of us do it around the Christmas every year. Keeping it (and not adjusting if you wobble) is far harder. But then achieving it is so much more significant and the gratification you get from that tastes so much sweeter!

    You’ve stuck at this, had a wobble or two, but kept at it and just look at you now! You look, sound and are an inspiration to anyone who needs it šŸ™‚

    Fabulous, well done lovely! xx

    • Thanks so much šŸ™‚

      It’s taken me a long, long, long time to realise that this has to be a change for life and that I’ll need to work at it. I’ve lost weight before (but not to this extent) but put it back on. I’ll take a few days to decide whether I stabilise for a bit or try to lose a little bit more. I do feel it’s different this time – my head is in absolutely the right place! Writing the blog is helping to keep me on track, too – although publishing goals and wobbles is a bit daunting!

      Getting it off, keeping it off!

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